For next Tuesday, 16th February, please have the following prepared:

– Mission Statement (300+ words), outlining your chosen artwork & artists and why you have chosen them, as well as a description of the theme / concept of your New Media Art exhibition and how your chosen works relate to this theme, the purpose, values and goals of the MetaSpace gallery, who is it aimed at?

– Focused research on your blog, website links, examples of new media art and artists, screenshots, annotation – your own comments on the research being presented, i.e. what works, what doesn’t and how it relates to the theme of your project

– Sketches and thumbnail visuals drawn on sketchpad paper – look and feel of the website, logo, interactivity ideas, etc.

– Flowchart for the website identifying the sections of the site and how they link to each other

Reminder of previous requirements: list of objectives, brainstorming, initial research